Stephen C. Schott

Class of 2001

  • Owner & CEO S.C.S. Development Co. / Award Homes

I don't measure success in financial terms. It's how you lead your life and what you give back to the community.

Stephen Schott was born in Santa Clara, California, in 1939. His father was a part-time professor at the nearby University of California at Santa Clara. The Schott family moved several times in his youth, finally settling into an older home surrounded by acres of prune trees. By then, Santa Clara's public works department employed Schott's father as an engineer. Schott was required to work in the local fruit orchards, which did not pay much. But the job kept him busy, something his parents always made a priority. He harvested and sold prunes from trees on his father's property, and he picked pears and walnuts in neighboring orchards throughout the summer. When he was 16, he began working on road survey crews.

Schott's parents wanted him to attend a Catholic high school, but Schott paid the tuition costs and managed to save some extra money for college. Schott did not excel academically, but he was a gifted athlete. His baseball skills were good enough to earn him a partial scholarship to the University of Santa Clara. He was tempted to quit school on several occasions when professional teams sought to sign him up. However, his parents insisted that he finish school. In the end, he was glad he took their advice. A shoulder injury ended his career as a pitcher, along with any thought of playing professionally.

Schott graduated from college in 1961 with a degree in business and management. He joined the U.S. Army, still uncertain about what he would do for a career. Upon his discharge, he joined Ford Motor Company in Milpitas as an accountant. Schott soon realized that to get ahead with Ford, he would have to move to Detroit, which held no interest for him. He stayed a year and then decided to take his older brother's advice to work for a land developer or homebuilder.

Schott, an enthusiastic learner, became a junior and then became a senior executive for several homebuilding companies. He worked in the office during the week and did sales on weekends to make extra money. On weekend nights, he and his wife sold hot dogs from a local racetrack concession stand. From 1967 to 1974, Schott worked his way up to vice president for two public land development and homebuilding companies. In 1975, his big break came when company where he had been working for the previous five years invited him to become a partner. The following year, Schott and his partner, Wayne Valley, formed Citation Homes. Ten years later, Valley died, and Schott became sole owner. His firm became one of northern California's most successful homebuilders. In 1995, Schott and business partner, Ken Hofmann bought the Oakland Athletics baseball team.

Asked about his success, Schott says, "I always thought the meaning of success was to be financially successful. Now I think it's how you lead your life, how you set an example for other people and what you give back." He and his wife formed a program called Role Models, which brings successful people from all walks of life to address students about the importance of staying in school. Another program they formed, Read to Exceed, rewards students, and their teachers, for reading a prescribed number of books; among the rewards are free tickets to Oakland A's baseball games. The program opened with 500 participants, and soon grew to benefit 15,000 students.

When Schott admonishes young audiences to persevere and never quit. "Everyone has tough hurdles to get over, but you should never give up," he says. "As long as you can see the light at the end of the tunnel, you'll get there if you keep pushing yourself."

Honored by his Horatio Alger Award, Schott says, "I am a strong partner in the scholarship program sponsored by the Association. Education is the best way for young people to pursue their dreams. It opens the doors to many opportunities that would not be there otherwise. I am happy to be a part of making that possible for so many deserving young people."