Leslie B. Worthington*

Class of 1966

  • President United States Steel Corporation

Learn your job, then start lifting your eyes toward the next one.

Leslie Worthington was born in England in 1902. He came to the United States with his mother when he was five to join his father, who had immigrated earlier to work in the coal mines of Illinois. Throughout his school years, Worthington worked mornings, evenings, Saturdays, and summers in a general store. He also worked hard at school, winning one of two county scholarships for full tuition to the University of Illinois. While there, he did a number of odd jobs to cover his expenses.

In 1923, Worthington graduated from college and was recruited by U.S. Steel's subsidiary, South Chicago Works. Beginning as a sales trainee, he quickly rose through the sales ranks at U.S. Steel subsidiaries in Chicago, St. Paul, Detroit, and Pittsburgh. In 1942, he entered general administration, where he served as vice president and later as president of the U.S. Steel Supply Division.

In 1957, Worthington was promoted to the presidency of the Columbia-Geneva Steel Division in San Francisco. Less than three years later, he was appointed to become president and chief administrative officer of Pittsburgh-based U.S. Steel. During his tenure as president, Worthington finished the long process of consolidation that began in 1935, by which U.S. Steel transitioned from a holding company to an operating company.